Appointments? Tasks
-> Events 4U

#1: Appointments? Tasks Autor: NederWeb BeitragVerfasst am: 21.06.2004 01:43
Hello, like what you did with it, allthough I've seen it before, and it looked a bit different there.

My Question is this, when going through the Language file, I've noticed things like Appointment, or Task, eventhough it doesn't, at least as far as I've seen, appear at the Calender, or submission page. One cab only submit an Event. Are those Appointment and Task things for future feattures? I hope so, because it would be nice for registered users to have their own private Agenda.


#2: Re: Appointments? Tasks Autor: ErtanWohnort: Germany BeitragVerfasst am: 21.06.2004 13:21
its up to "All day:" thing if not selected then -> appointment

-> Events 4U

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