cpg 8.1 clean install error!
-> Installation

#1: cpg 8.1 clean install error! Autor: TopSmurf BeitragVerfasst am: 18.04.2004 14:17
Hi guys,

I can run phpnuke 7.2 without any problems, but i wanted to try cpgnuke 8.1

i uploaded it to the ftp

ran the install.php file

sql was updated but:

now i get a session error

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: session_cache_expire() in /home/httpd/vhosts/topsmurf.com/httpdocs/includes/session.php on line 62

Any one of you guys had problems with this, cause i can't find the problem

#2: Re: cpg 8.1 clean install error! Autor: ErtanWohnort: Germany BeitragVerfasst am: 21.04.2004 12:06
check cpg version 8.1.1

www.cpgnuke.com downloads

#3: Re: cpg 8.1 clean install error! Autor: topsmurf BeitragVerfasst am: 21.04.2004 21:14
I've sorted the problem already..

my host still uses an older version of php 4.1.3 which not knows this command.

And yes i have reinstalled 8.1.1 and still same problem, but if i delete the 2 lines who call for this function then it all runs smooth sehr glücklich

-> Installation

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