-> Bugs

#1: UNICODE (UTF-8) Autor: marcos BeitragVerfasst am: 17.04.2004 14:54
Why CPG use this type of codification ? Others CMS use the European ISO, Like PHPNuke, But With CPG I can Put ISO, allways change to UTF, and this is a big problem to use some leters of the Spanish Alphabet like Ñ (I know you can't see it (this is the problem)) Thanks for all, I'm waiting a answer!

#2: Re: UNICODE (UTF-8) Autor: Gast BeitragVerfasst am: 17.04.2004 19:26
Japan and greek don't use european and what if you are viewing those webpages ?We are trying to use UTF-8 everywhere so that everyone can use it.However it seems MySQL has some trouble with it.Turn off UTF in your browser and cpgnuke will use the other charset instead.

#3: Re: UNICODE (UTF-8) Autor: DJMazeWohnort: Netherlands BeitragVerfasst am: 17.04.2004 19:29
Oops above post is mine, forgot to login.I see a capital N with a tilde above it: N~

-> Bugs

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