Lots of English Errors
-> Guestbook 4U

#1: Lots of English Errors Autor: djdevon3 BeitragVerfasst am: 22.11.2005 18:00
Sorry I don't speak dutch or I'd have a much easier time asking this question.

I just downloaded and installed the module and am getting a lot of cms notices.

in admin

* Notice line 82: Constant _GHOMEPAGE already defined


* Notice line 44: Use of undefined constant month - assumed 'month'
* Notice line 45: Use of undefined constant mday - assumed 'mday'
* Notice line 46: Use of undefined constant year - assumed 'year'
* Notice line 149: Undefined index: allow_smiles

in index


* Notice line 24: Use of undefined constant _GUESTBOOK4U - assumed '_GUESTBOOK4U'
* Notice line 25: Use of undefined constant _GUESTBOOK4U - assumed '_GUESTBOOK4U'
* Notice line 26: Use of undefined constant _GUESTBOOK4U - assumed '_GUESTBOOK4U'


* Notice line 26: Use of undefined constant _GUESTBOOK4U - assumed '_GUESTBOOK4U'

#2: Re: Lots of English Errors Autor: ErtanWohnort: Germany BeitragVerfasst am: 22.11.2005 18:10
cosmetic zwinker

next version will correct them

stay tuned

#3: Re: Lots of English Errors Autor: djdevon3 BeitragVerfasst am: 24.11.2005 00:29
lachen Thank you. At least I know it's not something I did. Please make a post on the dragonflycms site to let everyone know about the update when you release it.

-> Guestbook 4U

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