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Suchergebniss 0 Ergebnisse

Fragen und Antworten
Suchergebniss 10 Ergebnisse
1  $Version_Num vs. CPG_NUKE
    Vorschau: As of CPG-Nuke 9.x, $Version_Num has become deprecated. Why? PHP-Nuke 8.x is around the corner and using $Version_Num to compare v ...
2  Kann man PHP-Nuke themes, modules und blocks noch verwenden ?
    Vorschau: In most cases you can, but you won't be able to use CPG-Nuke's collapsable blocks unless you modify the theme. Open up themes/cpg ...
3  Schutz des direkten Zugriffs
    Vorschau: Es ist eine neue bessere Methode verwendet: PHP-Nuke: [code]if (eregi("block-Big_Story_of_Today.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ...
4  Freeing the memory associated with MySQL result sets
    Vorschau: When working with several result sets in a single script, the memory associated with these result sets can become congested. By us ...
5  Including the appropriate files
    Vorschau: In PHP-Nuke, each module made a direct inclusion to mainfile.php, something like: [code]require_once("mainfile.php");[/code] ...
6  Limiting access to administrator modules
    Vorschau: In PHP-Nuke, extra code was wasted for determining if the given administrator had permission to access the requested admin module. ...
7  Obtaining information about the current user
    Vorschau: In PHP-Nuke, if you wanted to obtain information about the given user, you would have to decode the cookie yourself, a process tha ...
8  Only fetch the needed data in a query
    Vorschau: PHP-Nuke queries often selected all data from a selected table, only to perform a simple action such as counting the number of row ...
9  Reduce code by using list()
    Vorschau: A lot of code can be reduced by using PHP's list() function instead of assigning variables to the result set of an SQL query one b ...
10  register_globals... to use them or not to use them?
    Vorschau: PHP-Nuke overrode PHP's default setting for register_globals (OFF by default, as of PHP 4.2.0). Misuse of register_globals can com ...

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