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Never Ending Story
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Kategorie Dragonfly CMS 9.xSonstige Module
Submitted by designSumpf
Name des Autors
Jochen Leberecht
Homepage aktiv.christian-von-bomhard.de
Version 0.3
Compatibility Dragonfly 9.0.5 (tested)
12.09.2005 10:03

Das unvermeidliche Modul "Die unendliche Geschichte".
Jeder kann absatzweise an einer Story schreiben.

Es gibt kein Admin-Modul !
Hier die Parameter, die man leicht im Quellcode index.php ändern kann :
/* Configuration */
$cfg_minimum_paragraph = 500; // Minimum length in characters for a new paragraph
                              // set to 0 for *no minimum*
$cfg_guest_write = true;      // allow guests to post a paragraph : true / false
$cfg_user_delete = true;      // allows user to delete a paragraph he has writen : true / false
$cfg_admin_showip = false;    // shows user-IP, when admin : true / false
$cfg_paragraphsperpage = 5;   // number of paragraphs per page
/* END Configuration */
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Bewertung Not rated
Beliebtheit 5/5: Very popular
Downloads 111
Page views 4760

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