YOUTUBE videos ins forum
-> HowTo & Allgemeine Fragen

#1: YOUTUBE videos ins forum Autor: flatter BeitragVerfasst am: 17.01.2009 20:22
Hab was gefunden im net
yutub medaiplayer mp3 quicktime.usw
hab yutube BBcode eingefügt,bis in text datei MEDIA_YOUTUBE
will ürgend wie nicht,Bei mir funz das ganze..

*** UPDATE BBCODE.PHP *** (English Language File)

1. Go to the line beginning with "'flag' => array('Flag:','[flag=code]')," (Line 111) and add the following after it:

'youtube' => array('Insert video from YouTube:','[youtube]YouTube Video ID[/youtube]'),

2. Save your bbcode.php and upload it to the "language -> english" directory.

#2: Re: YOUTUBE videos ins forum Autor: a.sgath BeitragVerfasst am: 10.03.2010 16:55
Hallo zusammen,

dann nerv ich nochmal weil ich mich grad blöd gesucht hab^^
also das ist meine bbcode.php
  CPG Dragonfly™ CMS
  Copyright © 2004-2005 by CPG-Nuke Dev Team

  Dragonfly is released under the terms and conditions
  of the GNU GPL version 2 or any later version

  $Source: /cvs/html/language/english/bbcode.php,v $
  $Revision: 9.10 $
  $Author: nanocaiordo $
  $Date: 2006/05/14 01:02:44 $
Encoding test: n-array summation ∑ latin ae w/ acute ǽ
if (!defined('CPG_NUKE')) { exit; }
global $smilies_close, $smilies_more, $smilies_desc, $color_desc, $font_desc, $bbcode_common;

$smilies_close = 'Close Window';
$smilies_more = 'More smilies';

$smilies_desc = array(
    'Exclamation'        => 'Exclamation',
    'Question'           => 'Question',
    'Very Happy'         => 'Very Happy',
    'Smile'              => 'Smile',
    'Sad'                => 'Sad',
    'Surprised'          => 'Surprised',
    'Shocked'            => 'Shocked',
    'Confused'           => 'Confused',
    'Cool'               => 'Cool',
    'Laughing'           => 'Laughing',
    'Mad'                => 'Mad',
    'Razz'               => 'Razz',
    'Embarassed'         => 'Embarassed',
    'Crying or Very sad' => 'Crying or Very sad',
    'Evil or Very Mad'   => 'Evil or Very Mad',
    'Twisted Evil'       => 'Twisted Evil',
    'Rolling Eyes'       => 'Rolling Eyes',
    'Wink'               => 'Wink',
    'Idea'               => 'Idea',
    'Arrow'              => 'Arrow',
    'Neutral'            => 'Neutral',
    'Mr. Green'          => 'Mr. Green',

$color_desc = array(
    'color'     => 'Font color',
    'Default'   => 'Default',
    'Dark Red'  => 'Dark Red',
    'Red'       => 'Red',
    'Orange'    => 'Orange',
    'Brown'     => 'Brown',
    'Yellow'    => 'Yellow',
    'Green'     => 'Green',
    'Olive'     => 'Olive',
    'Cyan'      => 'Cyan',
    'Blue'      => 'Blue',
    'Dark Blue' => 'Dark Blue',
    'Indigo'    => 'Indigo',
    'Violet'    => 'Violet',
    'White'     => 'White',
    'Black'     => 'Black',

$font_desc = array(
    'size'   => 'Font size',
    'Tiny'   => 'Tiny',
    'Small'  => 'Small',
    'Normal' => 'Normal',
    'Large'  => 'Large',
    'Huge'   => 'Huge'

also noch die orginale habe das problem das ich keine videos einbinden kann! er fragt mich auch noch nach höhe und breite des videos! habe das ganze auch mal hier versucht und da fällt das ganze weg! hab auch schon den code oben eingefügt aber trotzdem keine reaktion muss ich dafür noch was anderes installieren?

grüsse asgath

#3: Re: YOUTUBE videos ins forum Autor: a.sgath BeitragVerfasst am: 10.03.2010 17:11
wahhhh mist ich war nicht angemeldet und konnte das attachment nich sehen, schande über mich.... ignoriert das einfach wieder SORRY!


#4: Re: YOUTUBE videos ins forum Autor: ErtanWohnort: Germany BeitragVerfasst am: 10.03.2010 18:24
bbcode eigene bbcode buttons:
google video, youtube, myvideo
(bleibt nur die rechtliche frage mit eingeb. videos!!)

habe local getestet:


function BBCwmi(form, field, type) {
	if (type == 'img') { var URL = prompt("Please enter image URL","http://"); 
	}	else if (type == 'youtube') { var URL = prompt("Please enter Youtube Video URL","\?v=");
	} else if (type == 'gvideo') { var URL = prompt("Please enter gVideo URL","http://");
	} else if (type == 'myvideo') { var URL = prompt("Please enter myVideo URL","http://");
	} else {	var URL = prompt("Enter the Email Address",""); 	}
	if (URL == null) { return null; }
	if (!URL) { return alert("Error : You didn't write the Address"); }
	BBCwrite(form, field, '', "["+type+"]"+URL+"[/"+type+"]", true);
	return null;

# [myvideo] and [/myvideo] code..
$patterns[] = "#\[myvideo\]http://(?:www\.)?*?)\[/myvideo\]#is";
$replacements[] = '
<!-- BEGIN myvideo -->
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" style="width:425px; height:350px" data="\\1">
<param name="movie" value="\\1" />
</object><br />
<!-- END myvideo -->';

# [youtube] and [/youtube] code..
$patterns[] = "#\[youtube\]http://(?:[A-Za-z]{2,3}\.)?\?v=([0-9A-Za-z-_]{11})[^[]*\[/youtube\]#is";
$replacements[] = '
<!-- BEGIN youtube -->
<object width="425" height="350">
<param name="movie" value="\\1.swf"></param>
<embed src="\\1.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed>
</object><br />
<!-- END youtube -->';
# .youtube] auto code..
/*$patterns[] = "#\http://(?:\S+\.swf\b|\S+?youtube\S+)";
$replacements[] = '
<!-- BEGIN autoyoutube -->
<object width="425" height="350">
<param name="movie" value="\\1.swf"></param>
<embed src="\\1.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed>
<!-- END autoyoutube -->';	
# [gvideo] and [/gvideo] code..
$patterns[] = "#\[gvideo\]http://(?:www\.)?video\.google\.([A-Za-z]*)/videoplay\?docid=([0-9\-]*.\&*)[^[]*\[/gvideo\]#is";
$replacements[] = '
<!-- BEGIN gVideo -->
<embed id="VideoPlayback" src="\\2" style="width:425px;height:350px" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </embed>
<!-- END gVideo --><br />';


		<img alt="'.$bbcode_common['youtube'][0].'" class="bbcbutton" onmouseover="helpline(\''.$form.'\',\''.$field.'\',\'youtube\')" onclick="BBCwmi(\''.$form.'\',\''.$field.'\',\'youtube\')" name="youtube" src="'.$bbbttns_path.'youtube.gif" />
		<img alt="'.$bbcode_common['gvideo'][0].'" class="bbcbutton" onmouseover="helpline(\''.$form.'\',\''.$field.'\',\'gvideo\')" onclick="BBCwmi(\''.$form.'\',\''.$field.'\',\'gvideo\')" name="gvideo" src="'.$bbbttns_path.'gvideo.gif" />
		<img alt="'.$bbcode_common['myvideo'][0].'" class="bbcbutton" onmouseover="helpline(\''.$form.'\',\''.$field.'\',\'myvideo\')" onclick="BBCwmi(\''.$form.'\',\''.$field.'\',\'myvideo\') name="myvideo"  src="'.$bbbttns_path.'myvideo.gif" />

	var gvideo_help="'. $bbcode_common['gvideo'][0].' '.$bbcode_common['gvideo'][1].'";
	var myvideo_help="'. $bbcode_common['myvideo'][0].' '.$bbcode_common['myvideo'][1].'";
	var youtube_help="'. $bbcode_common['youtube'][0].' '.$bbcode_common['youtube'][1].'";

'myvideo'   => array('Myvideo URL:','[myvideo]file URL[/myvideo]'),
'gvideo'    => array('Google Video URL:','[gvideo]file URL[/gvideo]'),
'youtube'   => array('Youtube URL:','[youtube][/youtube]'),

-> HowTo & Allgemeine Fragen

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